Friday, September 2, 2011

Office Software...

In our days of 'smart class rooms' how can one, especially the ones to co-ordinate our twenty eight schools remain archaic? We too need to update ourselves so as to be contemporary and competent. That rather forced us to avail a proven software to organize our works in the office so as to be more effective, efficient, prompt and transparent.

As we all know, a computer will only give back or generate something from what we fed it by way of data entry. That to be authentic the persons concerned should enter the data by themselves. This will be verified by the heads of the concerned persons and confirmed. Only then will it be processed for any logical results.

For this purpose each teaching and non-teaching staff and the concerned heads will be given a user ID and Password to log in and enter/verify/confirm as needed his/her details. Here we need whole hearted support of everyone concerned. Once this is done, the Seniority List and such other details would be generated and viewed by everyone in the management. Also one can apply for promotion, transfer etc. online.

This will certainly reduce much of our precious time and hardships in travelling besides saving paper thereby saving forests and other resources.

Please do co-operate and make it a success for all of you, our schools and thereby our society at large.

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