Saturday, May 7, 2011

Heads of the Schools' meeting...

On 30th May all the heads of the schools in our management were invited for day of evaluation and future plan in view of the forthcoming academic year. Almost all of them came. And the ones who could not make it, arranged substitutes through their senior assistants.

After a prolonged motivation talk by the corporate manager, the archbishop came and addressed them. He thanked them for all their good services and expected their continued and committed service for forming a better generation through their great call of teaching.

After lunch, Kumari Alice Alex, a +2 student from St. Joseph's HSS, Anjengo faced her principal along the rest of the heads of the schools and told boldly and frankly what she and her companions expect from them and also appreciated their enlightening service.

It was followed by Fr. Rodrigue Kutty, a local manager of St. Peter's LPS, Shangumugom and Valiathura forane co-ordinator addressed the heads and told what he and priests like him expect of the heads of schools. He spoke of who can become a good teacher and all the more a good head of a school.

Finally came Mr. Sahayam, the PTA president from St. Mary's HSS, Vizhinjam, spoke very clearly of his expectation and also made a friendly evaluation of their leadership qualities and other academic excellences.

This day should certainly be empowering and challenging them to make a good academic year for all concerned for the year to come.

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