The Kerala High Court on Friday asked the Secretary of the Education Department to submit the progress report in connection with providing drinking water facilities and toilet facilities at aided and government schools in the state by March 1.
A Division Bench comprising Justice Thottathil B Radhakrishnan and Justice S S Satheeshchandran issued the directive after finding that the Directorate of Public Instruction failed to achieve expected progress in the matter.
The court asked the Secretary of the Education Department to be present before the court to explain the details of facilities provided at schools.
The court had earlier directed the State Government to ensure that toilets, urinals and drinking water facilities were provided at all aided and government schools.
The Bench had ordered the Director of Public Instruction (DPI) to ensure that such facilities were provided at all aided schools as well.
The court issued the directive while considering a contempt of court petition filed before the court complaining that the authorities failed to comply with the court order. [The New Indian Express/ Saturday, January 29, 2011/ Thiruvananthapuram. p.6]